Quality standards and enviromental orientation.

The core ingredients of our operational company philosophy are the development of innovative products and their environmentally responsible production, constant quality control and quality improvement as well as an optimisation of our advisory skills for the benefit of our customers.

Highest quality and environmental certifications document this policy and are invariably renewed and refined through continuous checks. Through their RoHS conformity, our products comply with the EU guidelines for the lead-free production of electronics and are to a large extent UL Recognised Components.

You can download our environmental and quality certificates in the downloads area as a PDF file.

Quality, that truly pays off for you!

We are registered at the Netzwerk Klimakonzept Bayern.

DIN EN ISO 9001 Qualitätsmanagement DIN EN ISO 14001 Umweltmanagement UL zertifiziert RoHS zertifiziert Mitglied im Umweltpakt Bayern